NVS Thesauri
- http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/scheme/
- Description
- SKOS concept schemes managed by the NERC Vocabulary Server. A concept scheme can be viewed as an aggregation of one or more SKOS concepts. Semantic relationships (links) between those concepts may also be viewed as part of a concept scheme. A concept scheme is therefore useful for containing the concepts registered in multiple concept collections that relate to each other as a single semantic unit, such as a thesaurus.
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ID ↑ | Title ↑ | Version ↑ | Version Date ↑ | Description ↑ | Governance ↑ |
EMODNET_PEST | EMODNet Chemistry Pesticide and Biocide Thesaurus | 16 | 2024-06-05 | A thesaurus classifying parameter descriptions for pesticide and biocide concentrations used by the EMODNet project by parameter group and analytical matrix. | EMODNet Chemistry Lot |
EMODNET_CHEM | EMODNet Chemistry Thesaurus | 47 | 2025-01-25 | A thesaurus classifying hierarchy of EMODNet Chemistry lot chemical themes, EMODNet Chemistry lot aggregated parameter names and the BODC Parameter Usage Vocabulary. | EMODNet Chemistry Lot |
INSPIRE_THEMES | INSPIRE themes | 2 | 2012-11-06 | Groupings of spatial data according to Annex I, II and III of the INSPIRE Directive [DS-D2.5] presented as a SKOS Concept Scheme to support the NETMAR semantic search client. | European Commission |
ISO_GST | ISO19119 geographic service taxonomy | 1 | 2012-05-31 | Thesaurus comprising a collection of categories (top concepts) and sub-categories developed by ISO to classify services that display or process spatial data. | International Organization for Standardization |
ICANDIS | International Coastal Atlas Network Coastal Erosion Discovery Thesaurus | 1 | 2011-08-20 | Thesaurus of discovery terms that may be mapped to terms used to mark up atlas component data or metadata. | International Coastal Atlas Network |
ICANCOERO | International Coastal Atlas Network Coastal Erosion Thesaurus | 5 | 2016-01-14 | Thesaurus containing coastal erosion dataset (including GIS layer) terms compiled by ICAN and mapped to a global thesaurus. Includes both markup and discovery terms from the mapped components. | International Coastal Atlas Network |
MIDA | Irish Marine Data Atlas Coastal Erosion Thesaurus | 1 | 2012-06-29 | Thesaurus containing terms used for markup and discovery by MIDA in association with the topic of coastal erosion | Coastal and Marine resources Centre |
NETMAR_OCEAN | NETMAR Oceanography Thesaurus | 99 | 2025-01-14 | Thesaurus centred on parameter descriptions from the BODC PUV and CF Standard Names mapping to parameter discovery, units, instrument, platform, project and coverage concepts. Underpins discovery and semantic service chain validation for the NETMAR sea ice and oceanography pilots. | NETMAR Ontology Governance Group |
NETOC_ORTHO | NETMAR Oceanography Thesaurus Facet linkages and external concepts | 15 | 2022-12-03 | Linking concepts and concepts external to the NVS of a thesaurus centred on parameter descriptions from the BODC PUV and CF Standard Names mapping to parameter discovery, units, instrument, platform, project and coverage concepts. Underpins discovery and semantic service chain validation for the NETMAR sea ice and oceanography pilots. | NETMAR Ontology Governance Group |
NETOC_INSTRUMENT | NETMAR Oceanography Thesaurus Instrument Facet | 11 | 2023-08-30 | Instrument facet of a thesaurus centred on parameter descriptions from the BODC PUV and CF Standard Names mapping to parameter discovery, units, instrument, platform, project and coverage concepts. Underpins discovery and semantic service chain validation for the NETMAR sea ice and oceanography pilots. | NETMAR Ontology Governance Group |
NETOC_PARAM | NETMAR Oceanography Thesaurus Parameter Facet | 77 | 2025-01-14 | Parameter facet of a thesaurus centred on parameter descriptions from the BODC PUV and CF Standard Names mapping to parameter discovery, units, instrument, platform, project and coverage concepts. Underpins discovery and semantic service chain validation for the NETMAR sea ice and oceanography pilots. | NETMAR Ontology Governance Group |
NETOC_PLATCLASS | NETMAR Oceanography Thesaurus Platform Class Facet | 4 | 2021-03-25 | Platform class facet of a thesaurus centred on parameter descriptions from the BODC PUV and CF Standard Names mapping to parameter discovery, units, instrument, platform, project and coverage concepts. Underpins discovery and semantic service chain validation for the NETMAR sea ice and oceanography pilots. | NETMAR Ontology Governance Group |
NETOC_PLAT | NETMAR Oceanography Thesaurus Platform Facet | 6 | 2016-04-14 | Platform facet of a thesaurus centred on parameter descriptions from the BODC PUV and CF Standard Names mapping to parameter discovery, units, instrument, platform, project and coverage concepts. Underpins discovery and semantic service chain validation for the NETMAR sea ice and oceanography pilots. | NETMAR Ontology Governance Group |
NETOC_PROJ | NETMAR Oceanography Thesaurus Platform Project Facet | 1 | 2012-03-07 | Project facet of a thesaurus centred on parameter descriptions from the BODC PUV and CF Standard Names mapping to parameter discovery, units, instrument, platform, project and coverage concepts. Underpins discovery and semantic service chain validation for the NETMAR sea ice and oceanography pilots. | NETMAR Ontology Governance Group |
NETOC_VCOV | NETMAR Oceanography Thesaurus Platform Vertical Coverage Facet | 3 | 2014-11-01 | Vertical coverage class facet of a thesaurus centred on parameter descriptions from the BODC PUV and CF Standard Names mapping to parameter discovery, units, instrument, platform, project and coverage concepts. Underpins discovery and semantic service chain validation for the NETMAR sea ice and oceanography pilots. | NETMAR Ontology Governance Group |
NETOC_PLACE | NETMAR Sea Area Gazetteer | 1 | 2012-05-31 | Thesaurus that is the subset of the C19 sea area gazetteer covering the region of interest of the NETMAR project. | NETMAR Ontology Governance Group |
OG_SENSORS | OceanGliders sensors | 7 | 2025-03-01 | Subset of SeaVox Device Catalogue (NVS L22 collection) approved by the OceanGliders Data Management Task Team (OGDMTT) on behalf of the OceanGliders community. | OceanGliders Data Management Task Team |
OCACETHES | Oregon Coastal Atlas Coastal Erosion Thesaurus | 2 | 2016-01-14 | Thesaurus of terms associated with coastal erosion in the OCA. Includes both markup terms and their discovery categories. | Oregon State Coastal Management Program |
SDNDEV | SeaDataNet Device Thesaurus | 673 | 2025-03-01 | A thesarus comprising categorisations of devices (sensors, instrument packages and sample collectors) developed by SeaDataNet mapped to a catalogue of specific devices maintained by SeaVoX. | SeaDataNet |
SVX_GAZTR | SeaVoX salt and fresh water body gazetteer | 7 | 2024-12-11 | A thesaurus representation of terms specified by the SeaVoX vocabulary governance to describe coherent regions of the hydrosphere. Includes land masses enclosing freshwater bodies. | SeaDataNet and MarineXML Vocabulary Content Governance Group |
EDMED_DCAT_THEMES | W3C DCAT Themes for the SeaDataNet EDMED Catalogue | 30 | 2024-12-11 | A SKOS concept scheme to allow the representation of the SeaDataNet EDMED catalogue as Linked Data following the W3C DCAT profile. | SeaDataNet |
WCATHES | Wisconsin Coastal Atlas Thesaurus | 2 | 2013-06-19 | Thesaurus of terms used in marking up the Wisconsin Coastal Atlas | University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute |