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Argo real-time quality-control test identifiers

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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
19 Deepest pressure test Deepest pressure test. Test binary ID = 524288 2020-04-07
14 Density Inversion test Density Inversion test. Test binary ID = 16384 2020-04-07
12 Digit Rollover test Digit Rollover test. Test binary ID = 4096 2020-04-07
18 Frozen profile test Frozen profile test. Test binary ID = 261144 2022-06-07
6 Global Range test Global Range test. Test binary ID = 64 2020-04-07
11 Gradient test DEPRECATED Gradient test. Test binary ID = 2048 2020-04-07
15 Grey List test Grey List test. Test binary ID = 32768 2020-04-07
16 Gross Salinity or Temperature Sensor Drift test Gross Salinity or Temperature Sensor Drift test. Test binary ID = 65536 2020-04-07
2 Impossible Date test Impossible Date test. Test binary ID = 4 2020-04-07
3 Impossible Location test Impossible Location test. Test binary ID = 8 2020-04-07
5 Impossible Speed test Impossible Speed test. Test binary ID = 32 2020-04-07
23 Interim rtqc flag scheme for data deeper than 2000 dbar Interim rtqc flag scheme for data deeper than 2000 dbar. Test binary ID = 8388608 2020-04-07
24 Interim rtqc flag scheme for data from experimental sensors Interim rtqc flag scheme for data from experimental sensors. Test binary ID = 16777216 2020-04-07
25 MEDD test MEDian with a Distance (MEDD) test. Test binary ID = 33554432 2020-04-07
22 Near-surface mixed air/water test Near-surface mixed air/water test. Test binary ID = 4194304 2020-04-07
21 Near-surface unpumped CTD salinity test Near-surface unpumped CTD salinity test. Test binary ID = 2097152 2020-04-07
1 Platform Identification test Platform Identification test. Test binary ID = 2 2020-04-07
4 Position on Land test Position on Land test. Test binary ID = 16 2020-04-07
8 Pressure Increasing test Pressure Increasing test. Test binary ID = 256 2020-04-07
20 Questionable Argos position test Questionable Argos position test. Test binary ID = 1048576 2020-04-07
7 Regional Global Parameter test Regional Global Parameter test. Test binary ID = 128 2020-04-07
9 Spike test Spike test. Test binary ID = 512 2020-04-07
13 Stuck Value test Stuck Value test. Test binary ID = 8192 2020-04-07
26 TEMP_CNDC test applied to RBRargo3 2K TEMP_CNDC test applied to RBRargo3|2K, test added in July 2022. CTD data (< 2000 dbar) (TEMP_CNDC is used in the long timescale thermal inertia correction for RBR salinity data. This test aims to identify vertical profiles where TEMP_CNDC is of bad quality and thus unsuitable for use in the real-time adjustment of RBR salinity data.) Test 26 binary id = 67 108 864. 2024-09-11
10 Top and Bottom Spike test DEPRECATED Top and Bottom Spike test. Test binary ID = 1024 2020-04-07
17 Visual QC test Visual QC test. Test binary ID = 131072 2020-04-07