Global Change Master Directory Instrument Keywords
URI | http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P10/current/ |
Description | This collection is no longer maintained. It is an old version of the GCMD science keywords set up when GCMD keywords did not have stable URIs. Please use the URIs published on https://gcmd.earthdata.nasa.gov/ (definition was: Terms used to describe sensors, instruments and other pieces of scientific equipment in the NASA Global Change Master Directory metadatabase.). |
Creator | Global Change Master Directory |
Modified | 2008-01-22 |
Version Info | 3 |
Identifier | P10 |
Register Manager | British Oceanographic Data Centre |
Register Owner | Global Change Master Directory |
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ID ↑ | Preferred Label ↑ | Definition ↑ | Date ↑ |
GI000001 | 1D Particles Probe | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30027 | 2-D Passive L-Band Microwave Interferometer | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000002 | 2D Cloud Probe | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000004 | 3-D Plasma and Energetic Particle Investigation (WIND) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000003 | 3D Plasma Analyzer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000005 | 50-MHz Radar Wind Profiler and Radio Acoustic Sounding System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000006 | 915-MHz Radar Wind Profiler and Radio Acoustic Sounding System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000642 | ACCELEROGRAPHS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000643 | ACCELEROMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000644 | ACOUSTIC RADAR | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000645 | ACOUSTIC RECEIVERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000646 | ACOUSTIC SOUNDERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000647 | ACOUSTIC TAGS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000648 | AEROSOL COLLECTORS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000649 | AEROSOL MONITOR | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000650 | AEROSOL/CLOUD PARTICLE SIZER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000651 | AEROVANES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000652 | AETHAELOMETER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000653 | AGASSIZ TRAWL | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000654 | AIR PERMEAMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30002 | AIRBORNE HEIGHT FINDER | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000656 | AIRGLOW SENSOR | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000657 | AIRGLOW/AURORA IMAGER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000658 | AIRGUN ARRAYS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000659 | ALTIMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000660 | ALTUS DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000055 | AMPTE/IRM Three-axis Fluxgate Magnetometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000661 | ANEMOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000662 | ANEROID PRESSURE SENSOR | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000057 | ARGOS Data Collection and Position Location System | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30004 | ASCAT | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000069 | AURORAL PHOTOMETER (SNOE) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000663 | AUTOANALYZER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000008 | Acoustic Depth Gauge | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000009 | Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000010 | Acoustic Recording Package | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000011 | Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000012 | Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor II | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000013 | Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor III | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000014 | Active Microwave Instrument | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000015 | Active Spacecraft Potential Control Experiment | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000016 | Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000017 | Advanced Land Imager | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000018 | Advanced Microwave Moisture Sounder | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000019 | Advanced Microwave Precipitation Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000020 | Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000021 | Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-EOS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000023 | Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000024 | Advanced Solid-state Array Spectroradiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000025 | Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30001 | Advanced Stellar Compass 2 (Boom) | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000026 | Advanced Synthetic Aperature Radar | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000028 | Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30005 | Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer-2 | 2008-01-22 | |
GIV30006 | Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer-3 | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000029 | Advanced Visible and Near-Infrared Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000030 | Advanced Visible and Near-Infrared Radiometer Type 2 | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000031 | Advanced Wide Field Sensor | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000032 | Aerodynamic Particle Sizer | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30003 | Air Pressure Sensor | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000033 | Airborne Chromatograph for Atmospheric Trace Species | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000034 | Airborne Electromagnetic Profiler | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000035 | Airborne Imaging Microwave Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000036 | Airborne Laser Infrared Absorption Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000037 | Airborne Laser Polarization Sensor | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000038 | Airborne Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000039 | Airborne Multichannel Microwave Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000040 | Airborne Ocean Color Imager | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000041 | Airborne Oceanographic Lidar Fluorosensor | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000042 | Airborne Rain Mapping Radar | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000044 | Airborne SUbmillimeter Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000045 | Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000046 | Airborne Topographic Mapper | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000047 | Airborne Tropospheric Hydroxides Sensor | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000048 | Airborne Tunable Laser Absorption Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000049 | Airborne Vertical Atmosphere Profiling Systems | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000050 | Airborne Visible and Infrared Imaging Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000051 | All-Sky Camera | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000052 | Along Track Scanning Radiometer and Microwave Sounder | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000053 | Along-Track Scanning Radiometer 2 | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000054 | Ames Particle Measurement System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000056 | Apparatus for Water Quality Test | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000058 | Arizona Imager Spectrograph | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000059 | Atmospheric Density Accelerometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000060 | Atmospheric Emission Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000061 | Atmospheric Emissions Photometric Imaging | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000062 | Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000063 | Atmospheric Infrared Sounder | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000064 | Atmospheric Lyman-Alpha Emissions | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000065 | Atmospheric Trace Molecule Spectroscopy | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000066 | Atmospheric/Emitted Radiation Sensor | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000067 | Atomic Absorption Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000068 | Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000070 | Automated DNA Sequencer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000071 | Automated Weather System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000072 | Automatic Weigh and Identification Nest-System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000664 | BALANCE | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000665 | BAROMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000666 | BATHYPHOTOMETER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000667 | BATHYTHERMOGRAPHS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000668 | BEDLOAD SENSORS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000669 | BENTHOPELAGIC NET | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000670 | BENTHOPELAGIC TRAWL | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000078 | BINOCULAR | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000671 | BOLOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000672 | BONGO NETS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000673 | BOTTOM PRESSURE GAUGES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000674 | BOTTOM TRAWL | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000675 | BROADBEAM RIOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000073 | Background Radiometric Temperature Sensors | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000074 | Backscatter Ultraviolet | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000075 | Balloon-Borne Sounding System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000076 | Bedford Institute of Oceanography Net Environmental Sampling System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000077 | Bennett Ion-Mass Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000079 | Bio Optical Profiling System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000080 | Bismuth Germanate Scintillator | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000081 | Boundary Layer Instrument Package | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000082 | Bragg Crystal Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000083 | Broad Spectral Bandpass Hemispherical Solar Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000084 | Broadband Solar Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000085 | Burst And Transient Source Experiment | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000088 | C-Band Scatterometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000089 | C-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000095 | C-LORAN Atmospheric Sounding System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000676 | CAMERAS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000677 | CARBON ANALYZERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000678 | CCD IMAGER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000679 | CCD LINEAR ARRAY | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000680 | CEDAR IMAGER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000681 | CEILOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000682 | CEPTOMETERS DEPRECATED | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000683 | CHAMP-BLACKJACK | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000684 | CHEMILUMINESCENCE | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000685 | CLINOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000686 | CLOCKS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000687 | CLOUD LIQUID WATER PROBE | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000688 | CLOUD TOP SPECTROMETER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000112 | CLUSTER-II Fluxgate Monitor | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000689 | CO2 ANALYZERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000690 | COLORIMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000691 | COMPASSES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000692 | CONDUCTIVITY METERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000693 | CORING DEVICES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000694 | CORONAGRAPHS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000695 | COULOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000696 | CURRENT METERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000139 | CWVC Chilbolton Advanced Meteorological Radar | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000086 | Carbon Dioxide Nondispersive Infrared Analyzer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000087 | Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen Analyzers | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000090 | Charge And Mass Ion Composition Experiment | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000091 | Charge, Element, and Isotope Analysis System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000092 | Charged Particle Analyzer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000093 | Charged Particle Measurement Experiment (IMP-8) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000094 | Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30008 | Cloud Imaging and Particle Size | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000097 | Cloud Integrating Nephelometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000098 | Cloud Lidar System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000099 | Cloud Particle Counter | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000100 | Cloud Particle Imager | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000101 | Cloud Physics Lidar | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000102 | Cloud Radar System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000096 | Cloud and Aerosol Particle Characterization | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000103 | Cloud, Aerosol, Precipitation Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV20004 | Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization | 2007-01-08 | |
GI000104 | Clouds and Earth's Radiant Energy System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000105 | Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System - Flight Model 1 | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000106 | Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System - Flight Model 2 | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000107 | Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System - Flight Model 3 | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000108 | Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System - Flight Model 4 | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000109 | Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System - Prototype Flight Model | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000110 | Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System Scanner | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000111 | Cluster Ion Spectrometry Experiment | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000114 | Coastal Zone Color Scanner | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000115 | Coded Mask X-ray Imager | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000116 | Combined Recording Wind Vane Anemograph | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000117 | Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000118 | Composition and Photodissociative Flux Measurement | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000119 | Comprehensive Energetic Particle Pitch Angle Distribution | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000120 | Comprehensive Plasma Investigation-Geotail | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000121 | Comprehensive Suprathermal and Energetic Particle Analyzer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000122 | Compressive Strength Recorder | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000123 | Condensation Nuclei Counter | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000124 | Conductivity, Temperature, Depth | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000125 | Conical Scanning Sub-mm wave Imaging Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000126 | Conically-Scanning Two-look Airborne Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000127 | Continuous Flow Diffusion Chamber | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000128 | Continuous Plankton Recorder | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000129 | Continuous Underway Fish Egg Sampling System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000130 | Coronagraph/Polarimeter | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000131 | Coronal Diagnostics Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000132 | Correlation Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000134 | Cosmic Ray Isotope Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000135 | Cosmic Ray Nuclear Composition Experiment (IMP-8) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000133 | Cosmic and Solar Particle Investigation (Ulysses) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000136 | Counterflow Virtual Impactor | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000138 | Cryogenic Limb Array Etalon Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000140 | Cylindrical Electrostatic Probe | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000697 | DC8 DROPSONDES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000698 | DEMERSAL TRAWL | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000699 | DENDROMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000700 | DENSIOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000701 | DEWPOINT HYDROMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000143 | DFS-V 48 Channel Seismograph Attached to Seismic Geophones | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000144 | DFS-V 60 Channel Seismograph Attached to Seismic Geophones | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000702 | DIELECTRIC PROBE | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000704 | DIFLUX MAGNETOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000705 | DIGISONDES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000706 | DIGITIZER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000707 | DISDROMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000708 | DOBSON SPECTROPHOTOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000709 | DOPPLER BEACONS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000710 | DOPPLER RADAR | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000711 | DREDGING DEVICES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000712 | DRIFTING BUOYS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000713 | DROPSONDES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000714 | DROPWINDSONDES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000715 | DRY BULB THERMOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000716 | DRY DEPOSITION COLLECTORS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000141 | Daedalus Thematic Mapper Simulator | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000145 | Differential Absorption Lidar | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000146 | Differential Optical Absorption Spectrometers | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000147 | Differential Thermogravimeter | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000148 | Digital Wave Processing Experiment | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000149 | Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000151 | Dual Optical Pulse Sensor | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000717 | ECHO SOUNDERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000718 | EDDY CORRELATION DEVICES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000719 | ELASTIC BACKSCATTER LIDAR | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000720 | ELECTRIC FIELD MILL | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000722 | ELECTRON MICROPROBES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000723 | ELECTRONATORS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000724 | ELECTROSTATIC ANALYZERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000725 | EPSONDE | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000726 | EQUILIBRATORS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000175 | ER-2 High Altitude Dropsonde | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000176 | ER-2 NAV RECORDER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000177 | ER2-Doppler Radar | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000727 | ERB-SCANNER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000178 | ERS Radar Altimeter | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000728 | ERS WIND SCATTEROMETER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000179 | EUV Grating Spectrograph | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000152 | Earth Radiation Budget | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000153 | Earth Radiation Budget Experiment | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000154 | Ebert-Fastie Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000155 | Electra Doppler Radar | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000156 | Electric Field and Wave Experiment | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000157 | Electric Fields Detector (Geotail) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000158 | Electric Fields Investigation | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000159 | Electron Drift Instrument (CLUSTER-II) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000160 | Electron Drift Instrument (EQUATOR-S) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000161 | Electron Gas Chromatograph | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000162 | Electron, Proton, and Alpha Monitor | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000163 | Electronic Scanning Microwave Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000164 | Electronically Scanned Thinned Array Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000165 | Electrostatic Energy-Charge Analyzer (IMP-8) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000168 | Energetic Particle Experiment (IMP-8) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000167 | Energetic Particle and Ion Composition (Geotail) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000169 | Energetic Particles Composition Instrument (Ulysses) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000170 | Energetic Particles: Acceleration, Composition and Transport (WIND) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000166 | Energetic and Relativistic Nuclei and Electron | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000171 | Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analyzer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000172 | Energy Particle Analyzer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000173 | Energy-Dispersive Analysis of X-Ray | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000174 | Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000180 | Expendable Bathythermographs | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000181 | Expendable Current Profiler | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000182 | Expendable Sound Velocity Profilers | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000183 | Extreme Solar UV Monitor | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000185 | Extreme UV Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000184 | Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000729 | FAN-ASPIRATED RADIATION SHIELD | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000191 | FIELD SCOPE | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000730 | FILTERABLE DEPOSIT JAR SAMPLER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000731 | FISH NETS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000732 | FLAME-IONIZATION DETECTOR | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000733 | FLASKS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000734 | FLOW CYTOMETRY | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000735 | FLUORESCENCE MICROSCOPY | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000736 | FLUORESCENCE SPECTROSCOPY | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000737 | FLUOROMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000738 | FLUXGATE MAGNETOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000186 | Fabray-Perot Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000187 | Fabry-Perot Interferometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000188 | Far Ultraviolet Imager (IMAGE) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000189 | Far-Infrared Sensor for Cirrus | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000190 | Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000192 | Filter Sampling Instrument | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30012 | Fluxgate Magnetometer | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000193 | Focused Cavity Aerosol Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000194 | Focused Cavity Aerosol Spectrometer II | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000195 | Forword Scattering Spectrometer Probe | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000196 | Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000197 | Fourier Transform Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000198 | Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave Radar | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000740 | GAMMA RADIATION DETECTOR | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000741 | GAMMA RAY SPECTROMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000742 | GAS CHROMATOGRAPHS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000743 | GAS CORRELATION FILTERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000744 | GAS SENSORS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000745 | GEOPHONES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000746 | GERDIEN CONDUCTIVITY PROBE | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000747 | GILLNETS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000750 | GO-FLO BOTTLES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000748 | GOES I-M IMAGER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000749 | GOES I-M SOUNDER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000216 | GPS Bistatic Radar Delay Mapping Receiver | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30015 | GPS CLOCKS | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000751 | GPS RECEIVERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000752 | GPS SONDE | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000753 | GRAB SAMPLERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000754 | GRANULOMETRIC SIEVES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000755 | GRAVIMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000756 | GREEN CORONAGRAPH | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000757 | GROUND WATER LEVEL GAUGES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000758 | GUST PROBES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000759 | GYROS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000199 | Gamma Ray Burst Detector | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000200 | Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometry | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000201 | Gas Filter Correlated Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000202 | Geographic Synthetic Aperture Radar | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000203 | Geological Long-Range Inclined ASDIC | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000204 | Geomagnetic Electrokinetographs | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000205 | Geoscience Laser Altimeter System | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30013 | Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000206 | Germanium Semiconductor Detector | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000207 | Global Imager | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000208 | Global Oscillation Network Group Instrument | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000209 | Global Oscillation Network Group Network | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000210 | Global Oscillations at Low Frequencies | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000212 | Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30014 | Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2 | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000211 | Global Ozone Monitoring by Occultation of Stars | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30007 | Global Positiong System | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000213 | Global Positioning System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000214 | Global Ultraviolet Imager | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30016 | Global navigation satellite system Receiver for Atmospheric Sounding | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000215 | Goddard Medium Energy Experiment (IMP-8) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000217 | Grille Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000218 | Ground Based Passive Microwave Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000219 | Ground Penetrating Radar | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000760 | HARD X-RAY MONITOR | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000761 | HELIOGRAPHS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000762 | HESSI IMAGER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000763 | HESSI SPECTROMETER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000247 | HOBO XT Air Temperature Logger | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000764 | HUMIDITY SENSORS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000765 | HUMIDITY TRANSDUCERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000766 | HYDROMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000767 | HYDROPHONES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000768 | HYGROMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000769 | HYGROTHERMOGRAPHS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000252 | HYPERSPECTRAL IMAGER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000770 | HYPSOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000220 | Halogen Occultation Experiment | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000221 | Hard X-ray Burst Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000222 | Hard X-ray Imaging Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000223 | Hard X-ray Telescope | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000224 | Heat Capacity Mapping Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000225 | Heliosphere Instrument for Spectra, Composition, and Anisotropy and Low Energies | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000226 | Hemispherical Field of View Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30017 | High Accuracy Inter-satellite Ranging System | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000227 | High Altitude MMIC Sounding Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000228 | High Energy Particles (Geotail) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000229 | High Energy Proton and Alpha Detector | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000230 | High MASS Resolution Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000231 | High Pressure Gas Sampling System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000232 | High Resolution Doppler Imager | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000233 | High Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000234 | High Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder/2 | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30018 | High Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder/3 | 2008-01-22 | |
GIV30019 | High Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder/4 | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000235 | High Resolution Interferometer Sounder | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000236 | High Resolution Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000237 | High Resolution Telescope and Spectrograph | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000239 | High Resolution Visible Imaging System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000238 | High Resolution Visible and Infrared | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000240 | High Spectral Resolution Lidar | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000241 | High Volume Air Sampler | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000242 | High Volume Particle Sampler | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000243 | High-Energy Neutral Atom Imager (IMAGE) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000244 | High-Performance Liquid Chromatograph | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000245 | High-Resolution Dynamics Limb Sounder | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000246 | High-Resolution Infrared Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000248 | Hot Plasma Analyzer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000249 | Humidity Sounder for Brazil | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000250 | Hydrocarbon Automatic Measuring Instrument | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000251 | Hyperpure Germanium | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000771 | ICE AUGERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000772 | ICE STRESS SENSORS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000773 | IMAGING RADIOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000774 | IMAGING RIOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000255 | IMP-8 Magnetometer Experiment | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000775 | INCLINOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000776 | INCOHERENT SCATTER RADAR | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000777 | INCUBATOR | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000778 | INFRARED LASER SPECTROSCOPY | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000779 | INFRARED RADIOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000780 | INFRARED THERMOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000781 | INFRASONIC MICROPHONES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000782 | INTERFEROMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000783 | ION CHROMATOGRAPHS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000784 | ION MICROPROBES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000785 | IONIZATION CHAMBER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000786 | IONIZATION PRESSURE GAUGES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000787 | IONOSONDE | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000274 | IRS Panchromatic Camera | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV20001 | Imaging Infrared Radiometer | 2007-01-08 | |
GI000253 | Imaging Radar Systems, Real and Synthetic Aperture | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000254 | Imaging Spectrometric Observatory | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000256 | Improved Limb Atmospheric Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000257 | Improved Limb Atmospheric Spectrometer-II | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000258 | Improved Stratospheric And Mesospheric Sounder | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30021 | In situ Measurements of Particles and CME Transients | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000259 | Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000260 | Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000261 | Inertial Navigation System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000262 | Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000263 | Infrared Carbon Dioxide Analyzer | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30023 | Infrared Fourier Spectrometer-2 | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000264 | Infrared Gas Analyzers | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000265 | Infrared Interferometer Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000266 | Infrared Radiometer/Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30022 | Instrument Processing Unit | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000267 | Integrated Sounding System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000268 | Interferometric Monitor for Greenhouse Gases | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000269 | Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000270 | Inverted Echo Sounders | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000271 | Ion Composition Instrument | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000272 | Ion Drift Meter | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000273 | Ion Scintallaton Monitor | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000275 | JASON-1 RADAR ALTIMETER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000788 | JPL LASER HYGROMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000276 | JPL Surface Acoustic Wave Hygrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30024 | Japanese Advanced Meteorological Imager | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000277 | K-Band Ranging system | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000790 | K-LINE CCD/SOLAR OSCILLATIONS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000789 | KEMMERER SAMPLER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000791 | KNOLLENBERG PROBE | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30025 | LAC (Linear Etalon Imaging Spectrometer Array (LEISA) Atmospheric Corrector | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000792 | LAND SUBSIDENCE GAUGES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000793 | LASER REFLECTOR | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000794 | LASER SPECTROMETER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000795 | LASER TRACKING REFLECTOR | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000796 | LICOR GAS EXCHANGE SYSTEM | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000797 | LICOR INTEGRATING SPHERE | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000798 | LICOR LEAF AREA METER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000799 | LICOR PLANT CANOPY ANALYZER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000800 | LICOR QUANTUM SENSOR | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000801 | LICOR SOIL GAS CHAMBER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000802 | LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000803 | LONG STREAMERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000804 | LYMAN-ALPHA HYGROMETER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000805 | LYMAN-ALPHA PHOTOMETER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000806 | LYSIMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000278 | Lacoste-Romberg Gravity Meter | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000279 | Large Angle and Spectrometric COronagraph | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000280 | Large Format Camera | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000281 | Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000282 | Laser Optical Particle Counter | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000283 | Laser Retro-Reflector | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000284 | Laser Retroreflector Array | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30026 | Laser Vegetation Imaging Sensor | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000285 | Laser-Light Scattering | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000286 | Lidar Atmospheric Sensing Experiment | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000287 | Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000288 | Light Detection and Ranging | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000289 | Lightning Imaging Sensor | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000290 | Lightning Instrument Package | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000291 | Lightweight Airborne Chromatograph Experiment | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000292 | Limb Infrared Monitor of the Stratosphere | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000293 | Linear Imaging Self Scanning Sensor | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000294 | Linear Imaging Self Scanning Sensor iV | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000295 | Long Range Navigation | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000296 | Low Background Liquid Scintillation Counter | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000297 | Low Energy Electrons | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000298 | Low Energy Particles (Geotail) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000299 | Low Light Level TV | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000300 | Low-Energy Neutral Atom Imager (IMAGE) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000301 | Low-Energy Proton and Electron Differential Energy Analyzer (IMP-8) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000302 | Lyman-Alpha Total Water | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000807 | MAGNETO OPTICAL FILTER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000808 | MAGNETOGRAPHS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000809 | MAGNETOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000810 | MARK IV INTERFEROMETER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000811 | MASS SPECTROMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000812 | MICHELSON INTERFEROMETER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000813 | MICROBAROGRAPHS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000814 | MICROSCOPES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000326 | MICROWAVE RADIOMETER | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV20002 | MIDWATER TRAWLS | 2007-01-08 | |
GI000815 | MINARAD RST-10 | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000335 | MIPS Electric Field Mill | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000338 | MOCNESS Plankton Net | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000340 | MODIS Airborne Simulator | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000816 | MONOCHROMATORS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000345 | MOP Imaging Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000818 | MULTIFILTER RADIOMETER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000819 | MULTILENS CAMERAS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000820 | MUON COSMIC RAY DETECTORS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000303 | Magnetic Field Experiment | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000304 | Magnetic Field Experiment (Geotail) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000305 | Magnetic Field Instrument | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000306 | Magnetic Field Investigation (WIND) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000307 | Magnetic Fields Experiment (Polar) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000308 | Magnetic Ion-Mass Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30028 | Magnetic TorQue rode | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000309 | Magnetic Variometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000310 | Measurement of Air Pollution from Satellite | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000311 | Measurement of the Solar Constant | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000313 | Measurements Of Pollution In The Troposphere | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000312 | Measurements of Aerosol Extinct in the Stratos.and Tropos. Retr. by Occultation | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000314 | Mechanical Bathythermographs | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000315 | Medium Energy Proton and Alpha Detector | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000316 | Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000317 | Medium-Energy Neutral Atom Imager (IMAGE) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000318 | Medium-Resolution Infrared Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000319 | Mesosphere, Stratosphere and Troposphere Radar | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000320 | Meteorological Measurement System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000321 | Michelson Doppler Imager | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000322 | Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000323 | Micropulse Lidar | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000324 | Microwave Humidity Sounder | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000325 | Microwave Limb Sounder | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000327 | Microwave Scanning Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000328 | Microwave Sounding Unit | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000329 | Microwave Temperature Profiler | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000330 | Microwave Water Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000331 | Millimeter Imaging Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000333 | Millimeter-Wavelength Cloud Radar | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000332 | Millimeter-wave Atmospheric Sounder | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000334 | Miniature Electrostatic Analyzer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000336 | Mobile Automatic Scanning Photometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000337 | Mobile Laser Systems | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000339 | Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000341 | Modular Multiband Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000342 | Modular Optoelectronic Multispectral Scanner | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000343 | Modular Optoelectronic Multispectral Stereo Scanner | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000344 | Modular Optoelectronic Scanner | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000346 | Multi Channel Pulse Height Analyzer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000347 | Multi Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometers | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000348 | Multi-Angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000350 | Multi-Beam Laser Altimeter | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000362 | Multi-Linear Array | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000366 | Multi-Spectral Band Sun Photometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000349 | Multiband Vegetation Imager | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000351 | Multibeam Mapping System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000352 | Multibeam Swath Bathymetry System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000353 | Multicenter Airborne Coherent Atmospheric Profiling Wind Sensor | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000354 | Multichannel Flux Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000355 | Multichannel High Resolution Electronic Scanner | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000356 | Multichannel High Resolution UV and Visible Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000357 | Multichannel Microwave Radiometric System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000358 | Multichannel Middle Resolution Conical Scanner | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000359 | Multichannel Sun Photometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000360 | Multifilter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer and Broadband Pyranometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000361 | Multifrequency Imaging Microwave Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000363 | Multiple Aerosol Collection System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000364 | Multiple Water Analyzer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000365 | Multiple-Angle Aerosol Spectrometer Probe | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000368 | Multispectral Electro-optical Imaging Sensor | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000367 | Multispectral Electronic Self-Scanning Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000369 | Multispectral Imaging Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000370 | Multispectral Mapping Atmospheric Sensor | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000371 | Multispectral Medium Resolution Scanner | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000372 | Multispectral Scanner | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000375 | NASA Portable S-band Multiparameter Weather Research Radar | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000376 | NASA Scatterometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000377 | NCAR S-band Polarimetric Doppler Radar | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000821 | NEAR-INFRARED SPECTROMETER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000822 | NEPHELOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000823 | NET RADIOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000824 | NEUSTON NET | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000825 | NEUTRON MONITORS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000826 | NEUTRON PROBE | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000382 | NEXt Generation RADar | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000827 | NISKIN BOTTLES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000828 | NOAA PROFILER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000384 | NOAA/ETL X-band Polarimetric Doppler Radar | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000829 | NORPAC ZOOPLANKTON NET | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000386 | NPOESS Aircraft Microwave Temperature Sounder | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000387 | NPOESS Aircraft Sounder Testbed-Interferometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000388 | NPOESS Aircraft Sounder Testbed-Microwave Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000389 | NS-001 Thematic Mapper Simulator | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000373 | Nansen Water Sampling Bottles | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000374 | Narrow Field of View Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000378 | Nebraska Multiband Leaf Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000379 | Neutral Atmosphere Composition Experiment | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000380 | Neutral Atmosphere Temperature Experiment | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000381 | Nevzorov Water Vapor Probe | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000383 | Nitrogen Oxide Automatic Measuring Instrument | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000385 | Nondispersive Infrared Gas Analyzer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000390 | Nucleation-Mode Aerosol Size Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000393 | OCEAN COLOR MONITOR | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000394 | OCEAN SURFACE CURRENT RADAR | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000831 | OMEGASONDE | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000832 | OPTICAL BEACON | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000833 | OPTICAL TELESCOPES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000834 | OPTICAL TRACKING | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000835 | OSMOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000836 | OXYGEN ANALYZERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000837 | OXYGEN METERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000838 | OZONE DETECTORS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000839 | OZONE MONITORS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000840 | OZONE SENSOR | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000841 | OZONEMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000842 | OZONESONDES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000392 | Ocean Color Experiment | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000391 | Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30029 | OnBoard Data Handling system | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000395 | Open-Source Neutral Mass Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000396 | Operational Linescan System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000397 | Optical Free Fall Instrument | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000398 | Optical Particle Counter | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30030 | Optical Plankton Counter | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000399 | Optical Rain Gauge | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000400 | Optical Sensor | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000401 | Optical Transient Detector | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000402 | Orbiter Camera Payload System | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30031 | Overhauser Scalar Magnetometer | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000403 | Oxidants Automatic Measuring Instrument | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000404 | Ozone Measuring Instrument | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000843 | PARTICLE DETECTORS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000844 | PARTICLE SPECTROMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000845 | PASSIVE OPTICAL TRACKING | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000846 | PENETROMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000847 | PERMEAMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000848 | PETROGRAPHIC MICROSCOPES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000849 | PH METERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000850 | PHASE CONTRAST MICROSCOPES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000851 | PHOTOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000852 | PHOTOSYNTHESIS CHAMBER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000853 | PHOTOSYNTHETRON | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000854 | PIEZOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000855 | PIN DIODE | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000856 | PIPE STRAIN METER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000857 | PISTON SAMPLERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000858 | PLANKTON NETS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000859 | PLANT STRESS MONITOR | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30033 | PLAsma and SupraThermal Ion and Composition | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000860 | POLARIMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000861 | POROMETER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000431 | POSEIDON Solid State Radar Altimeter | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000862 | PRESSURE CHAMBERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000863 | PRESSURE GAUGES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000864 | PRESSURE JUMP DETECTOR | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000865 | PRESSURE PROBE | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000866 | PRESSURE SENSORS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000867 | PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000436 | PROBA CHRIS Level 1A | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000868 | PROBES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000869 | PROFILERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000870 | PROTON MAGNETOMETER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000871 | PSYCHROMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000872 | PYRANOGRAPHS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000873 | PYRANOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000874 | PYRGEOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000875 | PYRHELIOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000876 | PYROMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000877 | PYRRADIOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000405 | Panchromatic Linear Array | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000406 | Panchromatic Remote-sensing Instrument for Stereo Mapping | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000407 | Particle Analysis by Laser Mass Spectrometry | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000408 | Particle Environment Monitor | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000409 | Particle Measuring System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000410 | Particle Measuring Systems 2D-C Probe | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000411 | Particle Measuring Systems 2D-P Probe | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000412 | Passive and Active L- and S-Band System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000413 | Passive-Cavity Aerosol Spectrometer Probe | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000414 | Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000415 | Photoelectric Aerosol Sensor | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000416 | Photoelectron Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000418 | Phytosynthetically Active Radiation Sensors | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000419 | Pinhole X-ray Imager | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30010 | Planar Langmuir Probe | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000420 | Plasma Electron and Current Experiment | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000421 | Plasma Waves Investigation (Geotail) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000422 | Plasma Waves Investigation (Polar) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000423 | Polar Ionospheric X-Ray Imaging Experiment | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000424 | Polar Ozone and Aerosol Measurement II | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000425 | Polar Ozone and Aerosol Measurement III | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000426 | Polarimetric Ku-Band Scatterometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000427 | Polarimetric Scanning Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000428 | Polarization/Directionality of the Earth's Reflectance | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000429 | Portable Apparatus Rapid Acquisition Bidirectional Observ Land and Atmos | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000432 | Potential Control Device | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000433 | Precipitating Plasma Monitor | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30032 | Precipitation Imaging Probe | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000434 | Precise Range and Range-Rate Equipment | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000435 | Precision Radiation Thermometers | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000437 | Propeller Type Generating Anemovane | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000438 | Proton Transfer Mass Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000878 | QUARTZ CRYSTAL THERMOMETER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000439 | Quickbird Ball High Resolution Camera 60 | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000879 | RADAR ALTIMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000880 | RADAR ECHO SOUNDERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000881 | RADIO BURST RECEIVERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000882 | RADIO TELESCOPES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000883 | RADIO TRANSPONDERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000884 | RADIOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000885 | RADIOSONDES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000886 | RAIN GAUGES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000887 | RAWINSONDES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000888 | RED CORONAGRAPH | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000889 | RF ANTENNA | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000890 | RING SHEAR TESTERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000891 | ROCK CORERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000892 | ROCKETSONDES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000893 | ROSEMOUNT PRESSURE GAUGE | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000440 | Radar Altimeter-2 | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000441 | Radar Ocean Wave Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000442 | Radiation Measurement System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000443 | Radiation Thermocouple Actinometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000444 | Radio Acoustic Sounding System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000446 | Radio Detection and Ranging | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000447 | Radio Plasma Imager (IMAGE) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000445 | Radio and Plasma Wave Investigation | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000448 | Radiometer Hyper-frequence Multi-frequence | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000449 | Ram Atmosphere Density Gauge | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000450 | Raman Lidar | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000451 | Rapid Single-particle Mass Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000452 | Reflected Radiation Sensor | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000453 | Relative Ionospheric Opacity Meter | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000454 | Research Scanning Polarimeter | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000455 | Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000456 | Retarding Potential Analyzer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000457 | Retroreflector in Space | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000458 | Return Beam Vidicon | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000459 | Reversing Thermometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000461 | Rotating Dipole Electric Field Mill | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000894 | SACC-BLACKJACK | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000895 | SALINOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000897 | SCATTEROMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000898 | SCHOLANDER PRESSURE CHAMBER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000899 | SCINTILLATION COUNTERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000900 | SCOR WP-2 ZOOPLANTKON NET | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000901 | SEARCHCOIL MAGNETOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000474 | SEASAT-A Scatterometer System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000902 | SECCHI DISKS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000903 | SEDIMENT CORERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000904 | SEDIMENT METERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000905 | SEDIMENT TRAPS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000906 | SEISMIC REFLECTION PROFILERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000907 | SEISMOGRAPHS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000908 | SEISMOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30036 | SFERICS DETECTOR | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000482 | SHIP-TOWED UNDULATING VEHICLE | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000909 | SIDE-SCAN SONAR | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000910 | SILICON PHOTODIODES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000491 | SMM Hard X-ray Imaging Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000911 | SNOW DENSITY CUTTER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000912 | SNOW FORKS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000913 | SNOW MEASURING ROD | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000914 | SNOW TUBE | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000915 | SNOWPACK TEMPERATURE PROBE | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000492 | SO2 Automatic Measuring Instrument | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000916 | SOIL DEPTH PROBE | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000917 | SOIL HEAT FLUX TRANSDUCER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000918 | SOIL HEAT PROBE | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000919 | SOIL MOISTURE PROBE | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000920 | SOIL SAMPLER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000921 | SOIL TEMPERATURE PROBE | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30038 | SOLAR OPTICAL TELESCOPE (HINODE) | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000922 | SOLAR SIMULATORS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000923 | SOLAR TELESCOPES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000924 | SOLAR UV SPECTROMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30042 | SOLAR X-RAY IMAGER | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000515 | SOLAR X-RAY PHOTOMETER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000925 | SOLARIMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000926 | SONIC ANEMOMETER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000927 | SONOBUOYS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000928 | SOON SOLAR TELESCOPES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000929 | SOUNDERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000930 | SPECIFIC ION METERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000931 | SPECTROGRAPHS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000932 | SPECTROHELIOGRAPHS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000933 | SPECTROMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000934 | SPECTROPHOTOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000935 | SPECTRORADIOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000936 | SPIN-SCAN AURORAL IMAGER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000537 | SPRING BALANCE | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000937 | STEEL MEASURING TAPE | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000938 | STEP FREQUENCY RADIOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30041 | STEREO WAVES | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000939 | STOKES POLARIMETER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000940 | STREAM GAUGES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000941 | SUN PHOTOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000942 | SUNFLECK CEPTOMETER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000943 | SUNSHINE RECORDERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000944 | SUPERCONDUCTING GRAVIMETER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000945 | SURVEYING TOOLS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000551 | SWICS/MASS/STICS Instrument | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000462 | Salinity, Temperature , Conductivity | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000463 | Salinity, Temperature, Depth | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000464 | Satellite Doppler Positioning Transit Receivers | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000465 | Satellite Drag Tracking Apparatus | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000466 | Satellite Infrared Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000467 | Satellite Laser Ranging | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000468 | Scanning Actinic Flux Spectroradiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000469 | Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric Chartography | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000470 | Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000471 | Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000472 | Scanning Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000473 | Scintillating Fiber Detector | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000475 | Sea-Viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000476 | SeaWinds | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000477 | Second Generation Precipitation Radar | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000478 | Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometers | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000480 | Select-Level Bathythermographs | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000479 | Selective Chopper Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000481 | Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000483 | Short Wavelength Infrared Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000484 | Shuttle Imaging Radar-A | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000485 | Shuttle Imaging Radar-B | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000486 | Shuttle Radar Topography Mission | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000487 | Shuttle Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000488 | Side-Looking Airborne Radar | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000489 | Side-Looking Real Aperature Radar | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000490 | Single Operator Multiparameter Metabolic Analyzer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000493 | Soft X-ray Telescope | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000494 | Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000495 | Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet/2 | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000496 | Solar Corona Experiment (Ulysses) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000498 | Solar EUV Experiment | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000497 | Solar Energetic Particle Charge Analyzer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000499 | Solar Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000500 | Solar Isotope Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30037 | Solar Occultation for Ice Experiment | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000501 | Solar Optical Universal Polarimeter | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000502 | Solar Plasma Electrostatic Analyzer (IMP-8) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000503 | Solar Plasma Faraday Cup (IMP-8) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000504 | Solar Spectral Flux Radiometers | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000505 | Solar Spectrum Measurement | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000506 | Solar Ultraviolet Measurements of Emitted Radiation | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000507 | Solar Ultraviolet Spectral Irradiance Monitor | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000508 | Solar Wind Anisotropies | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000509 | Solar Wind Electron, Proton, and Alpha Monitor | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000510 | Solar Wind Experiment (WIND) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000511 | Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000512 | Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer (Ulysses) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000513 | Solar Wind Ion Mass Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000514 | Solar Wind Plasma Experiment (Ulysses) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000516 | Solar X-Ray/Cosmic Gamma-Ray Burst Experiment | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000517 | Solar-Stellar Irradiance Comparison Experiment | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000518 | Sound Detection and Ranging | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000519 | Sound Navigation and Ranging | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000520 | Sound Surveillance System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000521 | Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000522 | Source Loss-Cone Energetic Particle Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000523 | Space Environment Monitor | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000524 | Space Triaxial Accelerometer for Research Missions | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000525 | Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000526 | Spatial Coordinate Apparatus | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000527 | Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuation Experiment | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000528 | Special Sensor Ionospheric Plasma Monitor | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000529 | Special Sensor Magnetometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30039 | Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000530 | Special Sensor Microwave/Imager | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000531 | Special Sensor Microwave/Temperature | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000532 | Special Sensor Microwave/Temperature Profiler | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000533 | Spectral Irradiance Monitor | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000534 | Spectrofluorometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000535 | Spin Scan Cloud Camera | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000536 | Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30034 | Star Camera System | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000538 | Step Sampler | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000539 | Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment I | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000540 | Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment II | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000541 | Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000543 | Stratospheric Infrared Interferometer Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000545 | Stratospheric Sounding Unit | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000542 | Stratospheric and Mesospheric Sounder | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000546 | Submillimeter Limb Sounder | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30035 | Sun Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000547 | SupraThermal Ion Composition Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000548 | Surface Current Radar | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000549 | Surface Water Monitoring System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000550 | Suspended Particulate Matter Automatic Measuring Instrument | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000552 | Synchronous Orbit Particle Analyzer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000553 | Synthetic Aperture Radar | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000946 | TELEMETER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000947 | TELESCOPES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000948 | TEMPERATURE LOGGERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000949 | TEMPERATURE PROBES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000950 | TEMPERATURE PROFILERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000951 | TEMPERATURE SENSORS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000952 | TENSION INFILTROMETER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000953 | TETHERSONDES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000954 | THEODOLITE | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000955 | THERMISTORS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000956 | THERMOCOUPLES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000957 | THERMOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000958 | THERMOSALINOGRAPHS | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30043 | THRuster activation system | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000959 | TIDE GAUGES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000567 | TIMED Doppler Interferometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000568 | TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000570 | TOGA COARE Integrated Sounding System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000960 | TOGA RADAR | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000571 | TOPEX Microwave Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000572 | TOPEX Radar Altimeter | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000578 | TOTAL SKY IMAGER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000961 | TRANSMISSOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000962 | TRANSPARENCY METER | 2007-01-08 | |
GI000963 | TRANSPONDERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000964 | TRAWL | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000585 | TRMM Microwave Imager | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000586 | TRMM Precipitation Radar | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000587 | TRMM Visible Infrared Scanner | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000965 | TUBBS TOWS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000966 | TUCKER TRAWLS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000967 | TUNABLE DIODE LASER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000968 | TURBIDITY METERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000554 | Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000555 | Temperature-Humidity Infrared Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000556 | Texas Aggie Doppler Radar | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000557 | The Scanner for Radiation Budget | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000558 | The Very Large Array | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000559 | Thematic Mapper | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000560 | Thematic Mapper Simulator | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000561 | Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000562 | Thermal Ion Dynamics Experiment | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000563 | Thermoluminescence Photon Counting System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000564 | Thermopile Net Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000565 | Time Domain Reflectometry Probe | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000566 | Time of Flight Energy Angle Mass Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000573 | Toroidal Imaging Mass-Angle Spectrograph | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000574 | Total Energy Detector | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000575 | Total Irradiance Monitor | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000576 | Total Organic Carbon Analyzer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000577 | Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000579 | Total-Direct-Diffuse Multichannel Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000580 | Tower Mounted Radiometer System 2 | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000581 | Transient Gamma-Ray Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000582 | Transition Region and Coronal Explorer Telescope | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000584 | Transportable Laser Ranging Systems | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000588 | Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000589 | Tropospheric Ozone and Tracers from Commercial Aircraft Platforms | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000113 | Two-Channel Atmospheric Tracer Instrument | 2007-01-08 | |
GI000969 | ULTRASONIC DEPTH GAUGE | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000597 | ULTRAVIOLET SPECTROMETER (SNOE) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000970 | UMKEHR OBSERVATIONS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000971 | UPWARD LOOKING SONAR | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000603 | UV Ion Chamber | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000590 | Ultra Low Energy Isotope Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30045 | Ultra-Stable Oscillator | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000593 | UltraViolet Imager (Polar) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000591 | Ultrafine Condensation Nucleus Counter | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000592 | Ultraviolet Coronograph Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000594 | Ultraviolet Nitric Oxide Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000595 | Ultraviolet Ozone Detectors | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000596 | Ultraviolet Ozone Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000598 | Ultraviolet Spectrometer and Polarimeter | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000599 | Ulysses Cosmic Dust Experiment | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000600 | Ulysses Flux Gate Magnetometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000601 | Underwater Spectral Irradiance Meter | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000602 | Unified Radio and Plasma Wave Experiment (Ulysses) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000972 | VECTOR MAGNETOGRAPHS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000607 | VEGETATION Sensor (SPOT 4) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000973 | VERTICAL POINTING RADAR | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000974 | VISIBLE SPECTROMETER | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000621 | VISSR Atmospheric Sounder | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000975 | VISUAL OBSERVATIONS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000976 | VLF RECEIVERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000977 | VOLTAGE METERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000604 | Vaisala Ceilometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000605 | Variability of Solar Irradiance and Gravity Oscillations | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000606 | Vector Helium Magnetometer (Ulysses) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000608 | Vertical Temperature Profile Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000609 | Very High Resolution Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000610 | Very Long Baseline Interferometry | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000611 | Video Optical plankton Counter | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000612 | Video Plankton Recorder | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000613 | Visible Airglow Photometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000620 | Visible Imaging System (Polar) | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000614 | Visible and Infrared Intelligent Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000615 | Visible and Infrared Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000616 | Visible and Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000618 | Visible and Near IR Lidar | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000617 | Visible and Near Infrared Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000619 | Visible and Thermal Infrared Radiometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000622 | Volume Imaging Lidar | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000978 | WATER BOTTLES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000979 | WATER LEVEL GAUGES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000623 | WATER LEVEL/CLIMATE RECORDERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000980 | WATERGUNS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000981 | WAVE HEIGHT GAUGES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000982 | WELL LOGGING TOOLS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000983 | WET BULB THERMOMETERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000984 | WET DEPOSITION COLLECTORS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000985 | WET/DRY PRECIPITATION SAMPLERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000986 | WIND PROFILERS | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000987 | WIND VANES | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000624 | Water Vapor Sensing System | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000625 | Waves of High Frequency and Sounder for Probing Electron Density by Relaxation | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000626 | Whole Air Sampler | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000627 | Whole Water Sampler | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000628 | Whole-Sky Imager | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000629 | Wide Band Data Instrument | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000630 | Wide Band Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV20006 | Wide Field Camera | 2007-01-08 | |
GI000631 | Wide Field Scanner | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000633 | Wind Imaging Interferometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000634 | Wind Scatterometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000632 | Wind and Temperature Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000635 | X-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000988 | X-RAY TELESCOPE | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30046 | X-RAY TELESCOPE (HINODE) | 2008-01-22 | |
GI000637 | X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000638 | X-Ray Imaging Telescope | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000639 | X-Ray Polychromator | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000640 | X-Ray Powder Diffractometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000636 | X-ray Diffractometer | 2006-09-21 | |
GI000641 | XUV Photometer System | 2006-09-21 | |
GIV30044 | cold gas TaNK system | 2008-01-22 |