Red and red only fluorescing picophytoplankton
URI | | |
Within Vocab | Marine Microbial Flow Cytometry Standardised Group Names | |
Alternative Labels | RedRedPico | |
Definition | The Redredpico is a group mainly identified as Synechococcus cells which contains only Phycocyanin (PC). This groups can only be resolved using a red laser as excitation source of PC. These PC-rich species are expected to be more abundant in turbid estuaries, as PC is optimized for the orange-red light conditions in these waters, whereas phycoerythrin (PE) pigments present in some other Synechococcus are optimally tuned to the blue-green light in clear waters such as (Stomp et al., 2007). These Redredpico overlap the Redpicopro on the cytogram orange vs red fluorescences induced by the blue 488 nm laser beam (Liu et al., 2014). | |
Date | None | |
Identifier | F0200013 | |
Note | accepted | |
Is Version Of | F0200013 | |
version | 3 |
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