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BODC series parameter collection names

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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
CO2X CO2 parameters This term encompasses parameters quantifying properties of the carbonate system in water bodies including pCO2, tCO2, alkalinity and pH. 2020-03-19
TPSL discrete temperature and salinity This term encompasses temperature and salinity measurements that are made on discrete water samples or made with the specific purpose of calibrating in situ sensor data. It specifically excludes CTD sensor data extracted at bottle firing depth or time. 2023-07-21
DCDN dissolved carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus This term encompasses parameters quantifying dissolved organic carbon, total or organic dissolved nitrogen, total or organic dissolved phosphorus in water bodies. It also includes parameters quantifying "total phosphorus" and "total nitrogen" in water bodies. 2020-03-19
DOXY dissolved oxygen This term encompasses parameters quantifying dissolved oxygen in water bodies measured on water sample but not by in-situ sensors. Includes all types of concentration (v/v, mass/v, mass/mass, mol/v, mol/mass) and oxygen saturation. 2020-03-19
AFCX flow cytometry plankton analysis parameters DEPRECATED This term encompasses parameters quantifying planktonic organisms in water bodies using analytical flow cytometry. 2020-03-19
CH4X methane This term encompasses parameters quantifying dissolved methane in water bodies. 2020-03-19
NMHC non-methane hydrocarbons This term encompasses parameters quantifying non-methane hydrocarbons in water bodies. 2020-03-19
NUTS nutrients This term encompasses parameters quantifying inorganic nitrogen compounds (nitrate, nitrite and ammonium), urea, phosphate and silicate dissolved in water bodies. 2020-03-19
PCPN particulate carbon, nitrogen and silica This term encompasses parameters quantifying particulate carbon, nitrogen and silica held per unit volume or unit mass of water bodies. Excludes parameters that specify SPM composition such as amount of carbon per unit mass of SPM. 2020-03-19
PIGX pigments This term encompasses parameters quantifying photosynthetic pigments (including chlorophyll-a) in water bodies following extraction and analysis by any analytical methods. Includes size-fractionated analyses but excludes calibrated in-situ fluorometer data. 2020-03-19
STAB stable isotopes This term encompasses parameters quantifying stable isotopes concentrations, ratios or natural enrichments in water bodies. 2020-03-19
TMXX trace metals This term encompasses parameters quantifying metals and predominantly metallic metalloids characteristically occurring at low concentrations in water bodies (Fe, Al, Zn, Mn, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Co, Ti, Cr, Ga, As, Ba, Mo, Ag, Hg). Includes all phases (total, dissolved + reactive particulate, particulate, colloidal) of the water body. 2020-03-19